
What makes a good location?

The Anderson Longevity Clinic takes a very proactive approach in selecting the best locations for its clinics.  The brand’s clinics are situated in affluent areas that have easy access, ideal parking, and near brands that the community uses.

The Anderson Longevity Clinic employs industry leading mapping resources to determine exactly where a potential new location might be successful.

Anderson Longevity Clinic uses the best in psychographic data to determine lifestyle choices based on income level, as well as how well an area might respond to the clinic in its community based on spending data, interests, and behavior.

Easy to build and quick to open.

One of the key benefits of franchising with Anderson Longevity Clinic is that our clinics require a small footprint and are easy to construct and build out.

Once the perfect location is selected, a new clinic can be open within six to eight weeks depending on work-site approvals. The speed in which a new clinic can be opened can potentially accelerate your return on investment.

The efficient footprint also helps make Anderson Longevity Clinic an easy business to run. During opening only a small staff of two to three employees are required. Other benefits are that there is very low overhead and minimal inventory.

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