
Profit While Helping Others

“How much money will I make?” This is the most common question an entrepreneur will have when looking at an opportunity. You want to know if your new venture will be successful, how fast you can recoup your investment, and if the model that will allow you to scale.

Under Federal Trade Commission rules the disclosure of financial information requires very specific historical documentation in order to disclose financial information. Many new franchises such as ours often do not yet have this data. Therefore, due to these regulations we do not make any representations about a franchisee’s future financial performance or the past financial performance of company-owned or franchised outlets. We also do not authorize our employees or representatives to make any such representations either orally or in writing. If you are purchasing an existing outlet, however, we may provide you with the actual records of that outlet. We do have financial figures listed on our Federal Franchise Disclosure Document that you may review.

If you receive any other financial performance information or projections of your future income, you should report it to Anderson Longevity Clinic Franchise by contacting Anderson Longevity Clinic Franchise 13500 Sutton Park Dr S, suite 504, Jacksonville, Fl 32224, the Federal Trade Commission, and the appropriate state regulatory agencies.

After we receive the appropriate historical financial performance statements we may be able to provide you with additional data.